Nursery Activities News March 2018

Children at both the nurseries in jlt cluster V and Q,  will be introduced to our new topics ‘All Around the World’, and ‘ Healthy living’. They will be learning about the countries that they come from, its food, culture and language along with doing some simple yoga exercises which help us stay fit!  Children will be making flags, listen to traditional music in different languages.  This will encourage awareness of cultural differences and they will learn to celebrate diversity. They will be also be talking about different fruits and vegetables, learning about their colours and shapes.

Mathematics: Children in FS classes will learn to add single digit numbers, to learn about more or less comparing 2 sets. They will be using counters to match numbers to quantity. Toddler will learn counting , matching numbers, and learn to say numbers up to 10 in order.

Letters and Sounds: New letters of the week are introduced and children will be learning the environmental sounds. The children will be learning to identify and name objects beginning with these sounds.  FS classes will use letter sacks with these letters, and children find objects that go with these sounds.  Toddler classes will be playing guessing game after listening to a particular sound from sound lotto.

Positive Education: The children will learn how to respect and appreciate people whose culture is different. ’The Ugly duckling’ will talk about how we don’t tease or make fun of anyone, and respect those who look different from us. While through‘ The bear who shared’ the children will learn the importance to share and take turns while playing.

Dates for the diary – Start preparing for the International day at  our nurseries in JLT,