
Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar 2024 - 2025

LLN Annual Holiday Dates 2024 - 25

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar 2023 - 2024

End of Term one at Learning Ladder Nursery DMCC.

As our first term at Learning Ladder Nursery DMCC  comes to an end, it has been a one filled with fun, laughter and excitement. It was wonderful to watch the children settle in extremely well, grow in confidence and develop new skills. It certainly has been an extremely positive and productive term. We want to appreciate our esteemed parents for their utmost support and cooperation. We at Learning Ladder Nursery DMCC will continue to do our possible best to listen to concerns and suggestions. The Nursery is growing from strength to strength and in January we will be welcoming more children into our Nursery.

Dates for Your Diary

Learning Ladder Nursery DMCC Cluster V.

  • Term 2 starts 2nd January 2024
  • 18th January 2024: Posh Paws visit nursery ( petting animals at the nursery)
  • 31st January 2024:Teddy bears Picnic at the nursery
  • 9th February 2024 : Professional dress up day
  • 14th February 2024: Celebrating Red and Pink Day
  • 15th February 2024 : Foundation stage 1 Sports Day
  • 21st February 2024: Pancake Day
  • 22nd d February 2024: Pre foundation class , Sports Day
  • 27th February 2024; Foundation class Trip
  • 29th February 2024 ; International Day
  • 5th March ; Pre foundation class Trip
  • 21ST March 2024: UAE Mother’s Day
  • 22nd March 2024 Last Day of Term 2.
  • 25th March – 5th April 2024 Spring Camp

Review Of Some Of The Events For The Term One

This term, there has been lot of events and activities at the nursery like ; Diwali Celebration , Pink Day to support breast cancer awareness, Magical Orange pumpkin day, Trip to Oli Oli Science museum, Flag Day, UAE National Day and last but not the least our Sing Along winter concert.

Diwali Day Celebration at Learning Ladder Nursery DMCC

Celebrating Diwali and other religious festivals in your early years setting creates an environment where children feel safe and comfortable to listen and learn about different cultures. Educating children about Diwali promotes culture awareness , religious, tolerance, family values . It enriches their understanding of the world and encourages them to embrace diversity. It was lovely to see our adorable children in their festive outfits. Thank you dear parents for your participation

Pink Day 

Our favorite event was Pink day, in relation to Breast Cancer awareness month! Pink Together Stronger Forever

‘The Pink Walk’ around the community to represent one of the key ideas behind the event – ‘Be Aware… Be Safe’  We all got creative and came dressed in the colour pink. We had the chance to take part in activities based on the colour pink  like; painting, cookery and craft activities. The children made their pink ribbons to express their support for the cause. The colour pink a favourite with many children in the class and has been rightly chosen as the colour of the international symbol as it is soothing, comforting and healing.

Thank you Parents for joining us on the pink day parde. The children looked adorable in their pink outfits.They went for a walk in the community and held the ribbon for the parade.

Magical Orange Pupmkin Day  

The children enjoyed the Magical Orange Pumpkin day  experience here at LLN  this term. The children were excited to explore all of the messy activities and show off their costumes to their teachers and friends. Children explored various activities like playing with sago which had worms, orange spaghetti to fill their baskets, frozen jelly with spiders and worms , counting spiders through the web , sensory play with a real pumpkin which was cut open for children to feel the texture inside . Children enjoyed the activities as they developed on their fine motor skills and also learnt to play alongside each other supporting them in their personal and social development.

Trip to Oli Oli

An OliOli is a world-class interactive play museum where hands-on activities inspire positive play. Kids are free to wander and discover in spaces designed to foster their creativity, curiosity and imagination. The trips at Learning Ladder Nursery are meticulously designed and curated to reinforce the educational objectives!

The children explored Toshi’s Net in which children climbed through the net as they learn to take risks and share joy with their friends. Great open ended play to develop gross motor skills of children.The water Gallery was another exciting place to be. The children experimented with water concepts like; density, buoyancy, whirlpools, rain, weather etc. The future park took children to an interactive learning. A truly collaborative and creative environment where kids can see their artwork come to life on the interactive screens. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the best part was ride on a yellow school bus.

National Day Celebration at Learning Ladder Nursery DMCC

UAE National Day at Learning Ladder Nursery is always a special occasion and this year’s celebrations were no exception. With all the bright colours and cheerful faces, there was a genuine sense of gratitude and respect for the country we live in. National Day celebrations play a vital role in promoting a shared identity, reinforcing national values, and inspiring a collective vision for the future,making it a momentous occasion that brings people together in joyous acknowledgement of their country’s journey and accomplishments. Children enjoyed the fun activities planned for them.

We thank all the parents who have joined us in celebrating the UAE National Day and making it a most memorable National Day event.

The sing-a–long was a great success where both children and parents participated in with great enthusiasm. The children created a winter scene for the show with lots of tress and snowmen. They also had a visit from ‘Big Man’ himself – SANTA. What a fantastic end to the term.  After the sing- Along there were many planned festive activities for the children to participate along with some yummy treats.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend this special festive event.

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar 2022 - 2023
 Term 1 2022-2023
 Monday 29th August 2022– Thursday 1st September 2022 Staff Returns – inset training for staff and Prep Week
Friday 2nd September 2022 Meet and Greet new children and parents
 Monday 5th September –  Thursday 9th September 2022 Settling in period for new children

Term 1 starts for all children

Friday  7th October 2022   Prophet’s Birthday*
Thursday 1st  December –  2022 Commemoration Day
Friday 2nd December 2022 National Day*
Friday 16th December 2022 Last day of Term 1(Early pick up 1:00 pm for all )
Monday 19th  December 2022 –  Friday 30th December 2022 Winter Break (Winter Camp available)
Term 2 2022-2023
Sunday 1st  January 2023 New Year ( Nursery closed)
Monday 2nd   January 2023  Term 2 starts
Wednesday 22nd March  2023 Ramadan Commences*
Friday  24th March 2023 Last day of Term 2 (Early pick up 1:00 pm for all )
Monday 27th March – Friday  7th April 2023 Spring Break (Spring Camp available)
Term 3 2022-2023
Monday 10th April 2023  Term 3 starts
Sunday 20th April –  Friday  21st April 2023  Eid Al Fitr*
Tuesday 27th June  2023 Last day of Term 3 (Early pick up 1:00 pm for all )
Wednesday 28th June- Saturday 1st July 2023 Eid- Al Adha
Monday 3rd  July 2023 – Friday  August 25th 2023 Summer  Holidays (camp available) 

* Subject to change. Dates to be confirmed by the UAE Government

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar 2020 - 2021

october-calendar LLNP-Year-at-a-glance-Calendar-2021-22
Expected Public holidays 2021/22

21 October, Prophet’s (PBUH) Birthday 1 – 3 May, Eid Al Fitr 30th Jul 2021, Islamic New Year
1- 2 of December UAE Commemoration Day 10-12th of July, Eid ul Adha

Term 1 2020-2021
Sunday 27th September– Sunday 1st October 2020 Staff Returns – inset training for staff and Prep Week
Sunday 4th October September – 5th October Monday 2020  Settling in period for new children
Thursday 29th October 2020 Prophet’s Birthday
Tuesday 1st December 2020  Commemoration Day
Wednesday 2nd December – Thursday 3rdDecember 2020 National Day*
Thursday 17th December 2020 Last day of Term 1
Sunday 20th December – Thursday 31st December 2020  Winter Break (Winter Camp available)
Term 2 2020-2021
Friday 1st January 2021 New Year (closed)
Sunday 3rd January 2021 Term 2 starts
Thursday 25th March 2021 Last day of Term 2
Sunday 28th March – Thursday 8th April 2021 Spring Break(Spring Camp available)
Term 3 2020-2021
Sunday 11th April 2021 Term 3 starts
Tuesday 13rd April 2021 Ramadan Commences*
Thursday 13th May – Saturday 15th May 2021 Eid Al Fitr*
Thursday 1st July 2021  Last day of Term 3*

* Subject to change. Dates to be confirmed by the UAE Government

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar 2018 - 2019
Term 1 2019-2020
Sunday 25th August – Sunday 1st September 2019 Staff Returns – inset training for staff and Prep Week
Monday 2nd September – Tuesday 3rd
September 2019 (8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.)
Settling in period for new children
Wednesday 4th September 2019 Term 1 starts for all children
Sunday 10th November 2019 Prophet’s Birthday
Sunday 1st December 2019 Commemoration Day
Monday 2nd December – Tuesday 3rd December 2019 National Day*
Thursday 19th December 2019 Last day of Term 1
Sunday 22nd December – Thursday 2nd January 2020 Winter Break (Winter Camp available)
 Term 2 2019-2020
Wednesday 1st January 2020 New Year (closed)
Sunday 5th January 2020 Term 2 starts
Sunday 16th February & Monday 17th February 2019 Half Term(Optional vacation care available)
Thursday 26th March 2020 Last day of Term 2
Sunday 29th March – Thursday 9th April 2020 Spring Break(Spring Camp available)
Term 3 2019-2020
Sunday 12th April 2020 Term 3 starts
Thursday 23rd April 2020 Ramadan Commences*
Sunday 24th May – Tuesday 26th May 2020 Eid Al Fitr*
Thursday 25th June 2020  Last day of Term 3*

* Subject to change. Dates to be confirmed by the UAE Government

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar August 2017 - June 2018
Term 1 2017 – 2018
Sunday 27th August 2017 Nursery Staff Returns-Prep Week
Thursday 31st August – Saturday 2nd Arafat Day and Eid Al Adha*
Sunday 3rd September – Tuesday 5 September 2017 (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) Discovery week – Settling in period for new children at the nurseries in JLT
Wednesday 6th September 2017 Term 1 starts for all children of both nurseries of JLT
Thursday 21st September 2017 Islamic New Year*
Thursday 30th November 2017 Martyr’s Day*
Friday 1st December 2017 Prophet’s Birthday
Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd December 2017 National Day*
Thursday 21st December 2017 Last day of Term 1
Sunday 24th December 2017-Thursday 4th January 2018 Winter Break(Winter Camp available)
 Term 2 2017-2018
Monday 1st January 2018 New Year Day closed
Sunday 7th January 2018 Term 2 starts
Sunday 11th and Monday 12th February 2018 Half Term(Optional vacation care available)
Thursday 22nd March 2018 Last day of Term 2
Sunday 25th March 2018-Thursday 5th April 2018 Spring Break(Spring Camp available)
Term 3 2017-2018 
Sunday 8th April 2018 Term 3 starts
Friday April 13th 2018 Al Isra W’al Miraj Day*
Wednesday 18th May 2018 Ramadan Commences* Friday
 Friday 15th June 2018 Sunday 17 June 2018  Eid Al Fitr*
 Thursday 28th June 2018  Last day of Term 3*

* Subject to change. Dates to be confirmed by the UAE Government

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar August 2016 - June 2017
Term 1 2015 – 2016
Sunday 28th August 2016 Staff Returns-Prep Week
Sunday 4th September & Monday 5th September 2016 (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) Discovery week – Settling in period for new children
Tuesday 6 September 2016 Term 1 starts for all children
Sunday 11 till Tuesday 13 September 2016 Arafat Day and Eid Al Adha*
Sunday 2 October 2016 Islamic New Year*
Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3,December 2016 National Day*
Monday 12 December 2016 Prophet’s Birthday
Thursday 15 December 2016  Last day of Term 1
 Sunday 18 December 2016 – Thursday 29 December 2016  Winter Break (Winter Camp available)
 Term 2 2016-2017
Sunday 3 January 2016 Term 2 starts
Sunday 14 & Monday 15 February 2016 Half Term (Optional vacation care available)
Thursday 24 March 2016 Last day of Term 2
Sunday 27 March 2016 – Thursday 7 April 2016 Spring Break (Spring Camp available)
Term 3 2015-2016    
Sunday 10 April 2016 Term 3 starts
Thursday 5 May 2016 Al Isra W’al Miraj Day*
Tuesday 30 June 2016 Last day of Term 3

* Subject to change. Dates to be confirmed by the UAE Government

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar September 2015 - June 2016
Term 1 2015 – 2016
Tuesday 1 September 2015 Staff Returns
Sunday 6 September & Monday 7 September 2015 Discovery week – Settling in period for new children
Tuesday 8 September 2015 Term 1 starts for all children
Wednesday 23 & Thursday 24 September 2015 Eid Al Adha*
Thursday 15 October 2015 Islamic New Year*
Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3,December 2015 National Day*
Thursday 17 December 2015 Last day of Term 1
Sunday 20 December 2015 – Thursday 31 December 2015 Winter Break (Winter Camp available)
 Term 2 2015-2016
Sunday 3 January 2016 Term 2 starts
Sunday 14 & Monday 15 February 2016 Half Term (Optional vacation care available)
Thursday 24 March 2016 Last day of Term 2
Sunday 27 March 2016 – Thursday 7 April 2016 Spring Break (Spring Camp available)
Term 3 2015-2016    
Sunday 10 April 2016 Term 3 starts
Thursday 5 May 2016 Al Isra W’al Miraj Day*
Tuesday 30 June 2016 Last day of Term 3

* Subject to change. Dates to be confirmed by the UAE Government

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar September 2015 - June 2016
Term 1 2014
Sunday 31 August 2014 Staff Returns
Tuesday 2 September 2014 – Thursday 4 September 2014 Discovery week- Settling in period for new children
Sunday 7 September 2014 Term 1 starts for all children
Sunday 5 and Monday 6 October 2014 Eid Al Adha*
Saturday 25 October 2014 Islamic New Year*
Sunday 26 and Monday 27 October 2014 Half Term
Tuesday 2 December 2014 National Day*
Thursday 18 December 2014 Last day of Term 1
Sunday 21 December 2014-Thursday 1 January 2015 Winter Break(Winter Camp available)
 Term 2 2014 
Thursday 1 January 2015 New Year’s Day
Friday 2 January 2015 Prophet’s Birthday*
Sunday 4 January 2015 Term 2 starts
Sunday 15 and 16 February 2015 Half Term(Optional vacation care available)
Thursday 26 March 2015 Last day of Term 2
Sunday 29 March 2015-Thursday 9 April 2015 Spring Break(Spring Camp available)
Term 3 2014 
Sunday 12 April 2015 Term 3 starts
Friday 15 May 2015 Al Isra W’al Miraj Day*
Thursday 14 May 2015 Half Term
Tuesday 30 June 2015 Last day of Term 3

* Subject to change. Dates to be confirmed by the UAE Government

Learning Ladder Nursery, JLT, Calendar Academic Year 2013 - 2014
  • Tuesday Sept 3 – 5, 2013 Discovery Week – for new children starting nursery
  • Sunday September 8, 2013 Term 1 Starts for all children
  • Sunday Oct 13 – 17, 2013* Half Term &Eid Al Adha, Nursery Closed
  • Sunday Oct 20, 2013 Term 1 resumes
  • Monday Nov 4th, 2013* Islamic New Year, Nursery closed
  • Monday Dec 2, 2013 UAE National Day, Nursery Closed
  • Thursday Dec 19, 2013
  • Sunday Dec 22 – Jan 2, 2014 Last day of Term 1, Nursery closed (Optional Day Care available)
  • Sunday January 5, 2014 Term 2 starts
  • Monday Jan 13, 2014* Prophet’s Birthday, Nursery Closed
  • Sunday Feb 16-17, 2014 Half Term, nursery closed(Optional Day Care available)
  • Tuesday Feb 18, 2014 Term 2 resumes
  • Thursday April 3, 2014 Last day of Term 2
  • Sunday April 6 – 17th, 2014 Nursery closed (Optional Day Care available)
  • Sunday April 20th, 2014 Term 3 starts
  • Monday May 26th, 2014* Al Israawa Al Miraj, Nursery closed
  • Thursday June 26th, 2014 Term 3 ends (last day of term)
  • July – August 2014 Optional Summer Camp, Nursery closed

* These days are Islamic Calendar holidays and subject to change

Learning Ladder Nursery Calendar - OCT 2012 to June 2013
  • Monday Oct 1 – 4, 2012 Discovery Week
  • Sunday October 7, 2012 Term 1 Starts
  • Sunday Oct 21 – 25, 2012 Half Term & Eid Al Adha, Nursery Closed
  • Sunday Oct 28, 2012 Term 1 resumes
  • Thursday Nov 15th, 2012 * Islamic New Year, Nursery closed
  • Sunday, Monday Dec 2, 3, 2012 UAE National Day, Nursery Closed
  • Thursday Dec 20, 2012 Term 1 ends (last day of term)
  • Sunday January 6, 2013 Term 2 starts
  • Thursday Jan 24, 2013 * Prophet’s Birthday, Nursery Closed
  • Sunday Feb 17 – 18, 2012 Half Term (nursery closed)
  • Tuesday Feb 19, 2013 Term 2 resumes
  • Thursday March 28, 2013 Term 2 ends (last day of term)
  • Sunday April 7, 2013 Term 3 starts
  • Sunday May 12 – 13, 2013 Half Term, Nursery Closed
  • Tuesday May 14, 2013 Term 3 resumes
  • Thursday June 6th, 2013 * Al Israa wa Al Miraj, Nursery closed
  • Thursday June 27, 2013 Term 3 ends (last day of term)

* These days are UAE Government Holidays and subject to change