Summer Term News 2019

Summer Term Newsletter

This newsletter is a closure to yet another brilliant year at Learning Ladder Nursery JLT. It has been wonderful watching the children develop new skills and grow in confidence and see how much the children have learnt through play and exploration. The Education in Human values programme has enabled the staff to develop an environment conducive to learning, honing on the skills like sharing, caring, and turn taking. Ramadan Fridge was a great hit as children were very happy to share food and develop a thought of caring for people around.

A big thank you to the team at the Nursery for all their efforts and making this Academic year such a huge success.

A special congratulations to our Foundation children who have successfully completed Foundation Stage One. Good luck to them in their new big School. I am sure they all will be outstanding. The children and staff put on a spectacular musical performance for their graduation. ‘Sharing a Shell’.

Learning Ladder Nursery JLT initiative to interact and involve parents as partners saw more memorable moments. The Assembly of pre FS  class, the most talked about was our Graduation ceremony of our FS1 Class children, The splash day and Fathers Play Date at Learning Ladder Nursery in JLT to name a few of the successful events this Summer Term.

We wish you a happy and safe summer. To our returning families, we look forward to welcoming you back in September for another great promising year. The children have grown so much over this last term. During assembly time it has been great to see how well their language has and is developing. The children have explored their imaginations through rhymes and stories and participated in a variety of activities.

The children have enjoyed role playing activities this term. This has included ‘flying to the moon’, ‘going on a bus’ and ‘cooking meals’ for each other. Dancing and music has also been an interest this term and the children have been learning action songs and used musical instruments and ribbons to dance with.

Children at the Nursery have enjoyed getting to know each other and have made some very special friends. They have been very excited with all the topics they have experienced especially the Fairytales where they enjoyed acting out the stories of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff.’ Another favourite topic was the Dinosaurs. The children from FS 1 have been working hard on their Letters and Sounds Phase One in preparation for big School. They have been on listening walks, have been singing songs with rhymes. Children have been showing a good understanding of rhyming words and s, a, t, p, i, n. This year we started with phase 1 and have completed aspects 1 to 6.

For their graduation children performed a musical ‘Sharing a Shell’

It’s been a fantastic and successful year with the children staying back at the Nursery for our Aftercare services. The Teachers have been busy throughout the year with many fun and innovative activities. The children have loved and enjoyed all the topics in Term three which changed on weekly basis. Some of the favorite topics were Super Heroes, Rock Stars, Safety, Pets, Spots and Stripes, Hobbies etc.

Here at LLN we always strive to improve and better our services. Next year Aftercare will have a complete makeover, watch out for the creative clubs that will run in the afternoons for the children of all age groups.

The Aftercare staff takes extra care to make sure your children has all the fun during these extra hours. We hope to see your children in the aftercare clubs called as the ‘Learning Hub Club’ next academic year. We are excited and looking forward to provide Aftercare services at an innovative and much higher level at the Nursery.